Wife 5: Maren Sorensen
Born: December 25, 1842 Resdal, Viborg, Jylland (Jutland), Denmark
Died: April 13, 1927
Married: March 8, 1862
Wilhelmine Sorensen Hansen
Ephraim Sorensen Hansen
Nephi Sorensen Hansen
Elnora Elizabeth Sorensen Hansen
Albert Peter Sorensen Hansen
Enock Alfred Sorensen Hansen
Elias Sorensen Hansen
Daniel F. Sorensen Hansen
Spanish Fork, 18 September 1878
A Patriarchal Blessing by Zebedee Coltrin on the head of Marie Sorensen, daughter of Peter Sorensen and Ane Elisabeth Vinkel, born 25 August (no year given) in Denmark.
Sister Marie: In the name of Jesus Christ, I lay my hands upon your head and seal upon you a Patriarchal Blessing for you are a daughter of Abraham of Joseph’s house and of the Ephraim’s blood. I seal upon your head a father’s blessing. You are entitled to all the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant and, if you will be humble before the Lord, the blessings of Heaven shall be poured over you for you are chosen by the Lord to come forth in this dispensation to help to bring forth a righteous branch of Zion and your offspring shall be many-fold on the earth and shall receive all the blessings which are given in the Lord’s temple and your sons shall be great men and shall perform a great work on the earth and shall be numbered among the Lord’s anointed and shall be kings and priests of the Most High and your daughters shall be numbered among the noble women of the earth for the Lord has had His eye upon you from the days of your youth and will bless your offspring through all their generations for they shall live on the earth when the Lord again shall reign in Zion and you are of the pure seed of Jacob and have the right to all the blessings of the Joseph’s house and you shall be numbered among the Lord’s anointed and shall be queen and priestess to your husband and you shall receive all the blessings and endowments which shall be given in the Lord’s Temple and you shall live as long as you desire and shall see the Lord when He comes to His temple and the Lord’s angels will help you for you shall be filled with the Lord’s wisdom and shall perform a great work on the earth for the living and the dead and the desires of your heart shall be given unto you
and the Lord’s light shall rest upon you. You shall have faith to heal the sick and shall be prophetess among the daughters of Zion and shall receive an eternal inheritance with your husband when those of former days shall come for great shall the reward in heaven for you shall have the power to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection and be numbered among the faithful of the Lord. And now, Sister, I seal all these on your head and all power and exaltation and thrones and dominions of eternal life. In Lord Jesus Christ’s name, so be it, Amen.
Randers, Støvring, Randers Købstad, 5. Rode, Vestergrave 377, 164, FT-1860
Niels Hansen 50 Ugift Væver Fredericia
Trine Hansen 52 Ugift Hans Søster Fredericia
Maren Pedersen 17 Ugift Tjenestepige Silkeborg
Maren Pedersen var allerede som 12-årig ude at tjene, som der er nævnt i folketællingen for 1855: "Går i dagleie"
Ved sin konfirmation i 1857 boede hun i Nisset hos sin mor og stedfar, Søren Christensen med tilnavnet Tandskov. Maren, der har fået sin skudsmålsbog ved konfirmationen, flytter allerede den 1. maj samme år til Vinderslev som tjenestepige.
I november flytter hun videre til Vejerslev, hvor hun er tjenestepige hos gårdmand Hans Peder Andersen, her er hun et år frem til november 1858, hvor flytter videre til Vester Velling som tjenestepige hos gårdmand Niels Sørensen.
I 1859 flytter hun til Randers, og vi finder hende i folketællingen 1860 som tjenestepige hos væver, Niels Hansen i Vestergrave.
Maren er blevet mormon højest sandsynligt under indflydelse af sin bror Søren, der rejste rundt som prædikant for mormonerne. I 1861, som 18-årig, rejser hun med skibet Monarch of the Sea fra Liverpool til New York en sørejse der strækker sig over fire uger fra den 16. maj til 16 juni. I skibsmanifestet finder vi hende som, Maren Pedersen Stærk, Spinster. Hun har her samme tilnavn som sin bror.
Fra New York er hun rejst videre til Utah hvor hun møder sin tilkommende mand, Jens Hansen og bliver hans femte hustru.
The life history of Jens Hansen personal diary
"In the fall, Sister Marie Sorensen arrived with a company of church wagons, who, after working in the city for a while, came to my house. March eighth, 1862, my wife, Karen Andersen, and Sister Marie Sorensen and I went to Salt Lake City where they received their endowments. After that, Marie Sorensen was sealed to me for time and all eternity by the prophet, Daniel H. Wells."